

A collection of references, projects, papers, readings, videos,... which are related to my project.

AI & Creativity

Research: Machine Learning Education for Artists, Musicians, and Other Creative Practitioners

Research: Creativity and technology in the age of AI

Research: Creativity and artificial intelligence

Read: What AI Advances Mean for Creators & the Creative Process

Project: Magenta - Quick, Draw / Sketch-RNN / NSynth Super / NSynth: Sound Maker

Project: Living Archive by Wayne McGregor

Read: Strike a pose and create your own choreography – with a little help from machine learning

Project: AIVA - The Artificial Intelligence composing emotional soundtrack music

Project: The Classyfier – AI detects situation and appropriates music

Project: Imaginary Soundscape

Tool: Teachable Machine

Tool: Cognimates

Tool: Meachine Learning for kids

Tool: Wekinator

Watch: Machine Learning for Human Creative Practice - Dr. Rebecca Fiebrink at Eyeo 2018

Course: Machine Learning for Musicians and Artists - Kadenze

AI & Art

Project: Learning To See - Making deep neural network predictions on live camera input

Exhibition: AI: More than Human / AI: More than Human (Google Art & Culture)


Read: Artists + Machine Intelligence - A program about art, technology, and machine creativity

Read: 9 pioneering artists in AI

Watch: Why I draw with robots

Read: Is artificial intelligence set to become art’s next medium?

Read: Artificial Art: How GANs are making machines creative

Watch: DeepDream Art and Machine Learning Symposium 2016

Read: Google DeepDream

Project: Exhibition [Recognition]

Read: Ai-Da Robot Artist

Watch: AI vs art: Can the machine be creative?


Read: Art by algorithm

Read: The artist in the machine: the world of AI-powered creativity

AI & Design

Project: Generative Design - Autodesk / Project Dreamcatcher

Project: The chAIr Project - Reversing the role of human and machine in the design process

Project: 100 Chair - Designing for Algorithmic Landscapes

Project: Augmented Imagination: Machine Learning Art as Automatism

Watch: The incredible inventions of intuitive AI

Project: Project Euphonia

Reserch: Design implications for Designing with a Collaborative AI

Read: Future of Artificial Intelligence in Design

Read: People + AI Research – Google Design

Read: Rethinking Design Tools in the Age of Machine Learning

Read: AI and Design: why AI is your creative partner

Read: 結合對人類需求以及 AI 的深度理解,為人機共生時代進行設計

Read: Generative, Declarative, Evolutionary Design Tools

Project: World's first production chair designed with artificial intelligence

Read: Generative design software will give designers "superpowers"

AI Literacy

Project: MIT Open Learning Project - Innovating Learning and Education in the Era of AI

Project: The Intelligence Augmentation Design Toolkit

Read: AI meets Design

Tool: IDEO’s AI Ethics Cards

Read: ‘Machine Learning for Designers’ workshop / Adapting intelligent tools for creativity


Read: Designing human-centered AI products

Read: Human-Centered Machine Learning

Research: The Role of Design in Creating Machine-Learning-Enhanced User Experience

Research: Interactive Machine Learning for End-User Innovation

Research: Machine learning for adaptive user interfaces

Tool: Firebase

AI/ML in Physical Computating

Project: Tiny Sorter

Project: Objectifier Spatial Programming

Project: A rock-paper-scissors machine

AI & Data

Read: Anatomy of an AI system

Read: Share Lab

Read: Federated Learning: Collaborative Machine Learning without Centralized Training Data

AI/ML in General

Read: Keeping track of what AI can do and where it is being applied

Read: Interpretable Machine Learning


Read: Google AI


Tool: TensorFlow

Technology & Creativity

Project: Project Blocks

Toolkit: LittleBits

Read: Electronic Building Blocks

Project: PopBots

Project: MIMU Gloves

Project: Generative Art with p5.js


Watch: Technological Mediation

Read: A conflicted relationship: On technology and human interaction

Project: The Best Interface is No Interface

Watch: Design Is [Screenless] — Designing for a World Without Screens

Watch: Everything around you can become a computer

Project: Jacquard x Google Arts & Culture - Artist Residency

Project: The Future Interfaces Group

Project: Playin’ the Pavement – Daily tous les jours’ Mesa Musical Shadows

Project: FabricKeyboard – Stretchable fabric (sensate media) as a musical instrument

Project: inTouch

Technology & Sensing

Watch: Wearable tech that helps you navigate by touch

Watch: Can we create new senses for humans?

Project: Sound, a tributary of Touch

Project: Zensei

Project: SensorTape – 3D-aware dense sensor network on a roll of tape

Project: Tangibles Worlds – Adding a sense of material and touch to VR

Project: Self-Choreographing Network – Cyber-physical design and interactive bending-active systems

Read: How our unconscious visual biases change the way we perceive objects